Nagarjuna Sagar Dam - Top of Andhra

Anthra Pradesh Nagarjuna Sakar Dam - Spillway Gate

Nagarjuna Sagar Dam - India

Nakarjuna Sahar Dam - Andhra Pradesh

Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is a masonry dam built across Krishna River in Nagarjuna Sagar, Andhra Pradesh. It is one of the earliest irrigation and hydro-electric projects in India. The hydroelectric plant has a power generation capacity of 815.6 MW with 8 units. One of the tallest masonry dams of the world, the Nagarjuna Dam irrigates over 10 lakh acres of land. It was during the building of this dam, that the ruins of an ancient Buddhist civilisation were excavated. The project transformed the economy of above districts. Fifty-two villages were submersed in water and 24,000 people were affected. The relocation of the people was completed by 1967.(7wondersofindia)  
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